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Keeping Grey Horses Grey

Dirty Grey Horse Outside

We all know that one grey at the barn, you know, the one that comes in looking like a bay or even a chestnut after every turnout. You might’ve seen their caretaker, looking defeated as they brush out their horse’s fur for a solid 2 hours before a ride. Some of you may be that caretaker, and if so this is definitely the information you need!


Your horse’s environment has a lot to do with its cleanliness. Greys get stained from lying in mud or freshly cut grass. If your turnout area is very muddy or you just cut it, it might be a good idea to invest in a turnout sheet or a slinky for your horse. These tools help minimize stains and dirt by adding an extra layer of protection for your horse’s coat. It’s important to note that these covers may not be the best for long term wear. Be sure to check your horse regularly for any rubs or irritation from sheets. Stalled horses also can get stained, especially from laying in dirty shavings. The cleaner the stall; the lower the risk of having a nasty coat.

Quick Tip: After a ride or a bath, try turning your horse out in a sand arena first before putting them out. Dust and sand generally don’t stain the coat and are much easier to curry off than chunks of pasture mud.

Grooming (And a Bit of Elbow Grease)

There’s one thing that can’t be said enough when it comes to grooming greys, and that is currying! It’s best to use a rubber curry comb in order to inflict the least amount of damage to your horse’s coat and skin. Currying the coat not only loosens up a lot of dirt but also helps bring up your horse’s natural oils. There are many different types of curry brushes, so shop around a try a few to see which one best works for you and your horse. Daily grooming usually lands the best results in keeping your horse clean and not having to spend so much time scraping mud off your horse. Look at it this way, if you curry your horse you can skip arm day at the gym!

Set in Stains

Once you’ve groomed your horse you may still notice stains on the coat. Once you notice these stains it’s best to act fast, stains get harder to remove the more they set in. Our green spot remover- Silverado “Visual Difference” is the best for getting out these stains. Simply spray it on the stain rub it into the coat, and wipe with a clean towel. Like magic, the spot is gone. This is perfect for last minute grooming at a show or in the winter when you can’t give your horse a bath. Keep in mind that frequent baths using harsh shampoos can be detrimental to your horse’s skin and coat, so use a green spot remover when possible.

Dr. Groom Recommends: Silverado’s Visual Difference

  • Works on manes, tails, & coats to instantly remove dirt, sweat marks, grass stains, urine stains, and more!
  • Stain removal on the go! Complete with Protein, Lanolin, & Aloe
  • No Rinsing needed! No alcohol & no residue!