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Stop the Sun in its Tracks

Don’t let the sun get the best of your horse. One of the key ingredients to a gorgeous coat is protection from the sun. Sun bleaching is a term used when a horse’s coat loses it’s natural rich color and shine. It’s more common in the summer when the sun’s rays are strongest but depending on what climate you live in you can practice sun protection and bleaching prevention year round!

Daily Grooming

This may not come as a surprise but a short grooming session is an effective way to help your horse protect itself from the sun. The best horse brush for this is a curry comb. The curry helps loosen up and dirt and sweat caked up on the hair and allows your horse’s natural oils to be released. You can use your dandy brush to pull the dirt off the coat and your soft brush to distribute those oils around the coat. Your horse’s natural oils are essential for not letting their coat dry out. It also provides a small layer of protection from the sun.

Stylin’ Sheets and Masks

Getting your horse a fly protection set with UV protection is an effective way to protect against sun bleaching. Most sets come with a fly mask, fly sheet, fly neck cover, and fly boots. These are a great option since they have a dual purpose, fly and sun bleaching protection. This is also an exciting opportunity to show off your horse’s style as there are many different designs and colors of fly sets out there. As with any material you put on your horse’s body make sure it is clean, well fitted, and comfortable for your horse. 

Horse Sunscreen

Did you know sunscreen designed specifically for horses exists? Sunblock for horses does the same thing for humans; it protects your horse’s coat, mane, and tail from getting fried in the sun. Most come in spays and can be applied liberally throughout the day. It’s a great thing to add to your grooming routine in the summer. It’s important to always follow the instructions on how much to apply and how often to ensure the best results. Sunscreen for horses is a quick and easy way to prevent sun bleaching.

Following these tips in the summer months and possibly year round can keep your horse’s coat gleaming and vibrant color. Stop the sun from getting the best of your horse’s coat.

Dr. Groom Recommends: Healthy Hair Care’s Sunflower Suncoat SPF Spray

  • Protects against UV- A and UV- B rays
  • Maintains natural color of coats, manes, and tails
  • Repairs bleached and damaged hair