It’s show-time! Show season is here, and that means lots of packing and prepping. Here’s a few tips on how to make your show go as smoothly as possible!
Make a List
About a week before a show it’s smart to make a list of everything you will need to pack before a show. By making the list a week in advance you have enough time to buy anything you’re missing, no more racing around the night before a show to find the supplies you need. No more running to the tack store to get that extra leather conditioner you needed the night before a show! You can also make a list of all the things you need to do before a show. Some examples could be cleaning all your tack or braiding your horse’s mane. Doing this helps time management in the days leading up to the show.
Research the Show Grounds
It’s important to be aware of the procedures of the show grounds. This is a good time to see how long it will take you to get to the grounds as well as finding where the show runners want trailers to unload and park. It’s also important to note where your horse’s stall will be if you have one and set it up ahead of time. Explore the grounds and note where things are, you might want to know where things such as the wash rack, water spout, muck pile, ect., are around the barn. While you’re at it notice where the arenas are and which one you will be showing in. Being prepared will make unloading and settling in on the grounds will be a breeze.

Know Your Times
Invest in a watch because once show day comes time is of the essence as you tack up and get ready for your first class. It’s easy to get side tracked at a show there are so many things to do and people to see so keeping an eye on the time will help you stay focused on what you need to get done before you enter the area. Ensure you’re paying attention to the time and schedule as well as what class is in the ring, you never know if they’ll pull a class. It’s hard to say how long a class would take so listen as they announce each class and rider. It’s a good idea to be by the show ring fifteen minutes before your class.
These quick tips will change your experience during show season and decrease some of the stress that comes with showing.