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Top Tips for Grooming Your Horse this Fall

Dark Horse in Fall Foliage

Fall has finally arrived, and you’ll need to change the way you approach horse grooming in response. As the summer coat finally starts to shed away, different strategies must come into play if you want to keep your horse looking show-ready as the temperatures start dropping. Learn how to groom your horse this fall, and discover effective strategies for keeping your horse healthy and happy.

Comb More Often

With fall approach, a horse’s summer coat begins to shed. While many attribute this to the dropping temperatures, it’s actually the decrease in the amount of sunlight your horse sees every day that causes it. As the coat sheds away, however, it gets replaced by much longer hairs that will need extra attention. The amount of combing you got away with during the summer won’t be enough for the cold weather coat, so expect to put in more effort when it comes to spreading that natural sebum around for natural protection and shine.

Go Easy on the Scrubbing

It’s common to want to use strong shampoos for a nice deep clean when giving your horse a scrubbing bath, but it’s better to take it easy in the fall. When you go for a deep scrub, you’ll strip away much of the horse’s natural oils. With the longer coat they’re going to be growing in, it’s important to keep those natural oils as they act as a natural protection and shine for their coat. Opt for grooming oils rather than shampoos with excessive detergent. 

Trim Up Leg Hair

The longer hairs of the winter coat are present on a horse’s legs as well, so they’ll need special treatment. Longer leg hair can actually make some skin conditions worse than they would be in the summer, and the longer hair can make it more difficult to apply medication and treatments to wounds. Clipping their leg hair is typically a good place to start. Don’t worry too much about cutting it too short either because doing this in the fall still leaves plenty of time for it to grow back for the serious cold weather that comes with winter. 

Take Care of the Hooves

While not every horse is the same, horses overall tend to have a slower growth of hooves during the colder months compared to the warmer months. Keep this in mind when you address any hoof issues they may have. It’s especially important if you’re looking to pull their shoes for the winter. Getting that taken care of during the fall will make horse’s lives much easier dealing with the cold. Of course, if your horses are in a place in which the ground can get excessively hard or freeze (or you need shoes for riding plans) you may want to keep them on.

Introducing our NEW Citronella Horse Spray

Now that you know how to groom your horse this fall, you just need the right tools. When it’s time to add some moisturizing oil to your horse’s coat while also keeping your horse comfortable, nothing works quite like our latest product, the Citronella Horse Spray. This coat spray doubles as a barrier between your horse and pesky bugs as well as having plenty of oils to help keep your horse’s coat looking good. This 2-in-1 offers an economical solution to keeping your horse’s coat show ready throughout the fall and beyond!

Don’t let the sun get the best of your horse. One of the key ingredients to a gorgeous coat is protection from the sun. Sun bleaching is a term used when a horse’s coat loses it’s natural rich color and shine. It’s more common in the summer when the sun’s rays are strongest but depending on what climate you live in you can practice sun protection and bleaching prevention year round!

Daily Grooming

This may not come as a surprise but a short grooming session is an effective way to help your horse protect itself from the sun. The best horse brush for this is a curry comb. The curry helps loosen up and dirt and sweat caked up on the hair and allows your horse’s natural oils to be released. You can use your dandy brush to pull the dirt off the coat and your soft brush to distribute those oils around the coat. Your horse’s natural oils are essential for not letting their coat dry out. It also provides a small layer of protection from the sun.

Stylin’ Sheets and Masks

Getting your horse a fly protection set with UV protection is an effective way to protect against sun bleaching. Most sets come with a fly mask, fly sheet, fly neck cover, and fly boots. These are a great option since they have a dual purpose, fly and sun bleaching protection. This is also an exciting opportunity to show off your horse’s style as there are many different designs and colors of fly sets out there. As with any material you put on your horse’s body make sure it is clean, well fitted, and comfortable for your horse. 

Horse Sunscreen

Did you know sunscreen designed specifically for horses exists? Sunblock for horses does the same thing for humans; it protects your horse’s coat, mane, and tail from getting fried in the sun. Most come in spays and can be applied liberally throughout the day. It’s a great thing to add to your grooming routine in the summer. It’s important to always follow the instructions on how much to apply and how often to ensure the best results. Sunscreen for horses is a quick and easy way to prevent sun bleaching.

Following these tips in the summer months and possibly year round can keep your horse’s coat gleaming and vibrant color. Stop the sun from getting the best of your horse’s coat.

Dr. Groom Recommends: Healthy Hair Care’s Citronella Spray

  • Control and protect horses naturally and effectively against nature’s pesky nuisances.
  •  Blend of lanolin and conditioners make hair more manageable, easier to detangle and control.