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Preparing Your Horse for Winter

Fall Horse Prep for Winter

Winter can be a big change from your regular routine. Winter can be full of change and it’s your job to help your horse the best you can during the cold months. 


It’s important to do your research on what kind of blanket your horse will need for the climate they live in. A clipped horse needs to be blanketed in higher temperatures than a horse with a winter coat. The fill of a blanket also depends on how much warmth a horse needs. The more fill a blanket has; the warmer it is. It’s important to ensure you get a blanket with a water resistant layer so your horse stays dry and warm when wearing it. Senior horses have a harder time staying warm so a heavier blanket may be what you need. knowing what blanket will work best for your horse will make winter easier on both of you.


If most of your horse’s forage comes from their turnout you should be prepared to purchase extra forage for them in the winter. Forage such as hay helps keep the horse warm through the fermentation process. Water is just as important as forage. The temperature of your horse’s drinking water should not go lower than 45F. If it does, then getting a heated water bucket or a water heater for the bigger troughs will encourage your horse to drink.

Extra Care

Horses need support going into the winter months.If they show any signs of skin issues be sure to get them as healed as possible before having to blanket them. Blankets can be uncomfortable if your horse’s coat is dirty or unhealthy. It’s also important to consider your horse’s hooves. Things like thrush can be an issue during the winter so make sure you have treatment on hand. Grooming your horse regularly and ensuring the underside of the blanket is clean will help your horse get through winter.

Your horse will appreciate the planning and effort you put into getting them ready for winter.

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