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Things to do With Horses (Besides Riding)

Enjoying time with your horse

Every once in a while it’s might benefit both you and your horse to take a break from riding. Horses can get burnt out just like people so it’s important to give them time in between rides. These breaks can present a fun opportunity to get to know your horse better and maybe teach them something new!

Spa Day

Most horses love getting brushed down and loved on so when you’re not riding treat your horse to a spa day. This could include a long, relaxing grooming session complete with a massage. There are a lot of massage brushes on the market meant to pamper your horse to the fullest degree. Before you use a massage brush, make sure to curry and brush your horse first so you have a nice, clean area to massage. After you give them a massage you can give them a bath or braid their mane and tail. Your horse will thoroughly enjoy the extra attention.

Quality Time

Spending quality time with your equine friend nurtures the bond you share with them. A great way to do this is to hang out with them in their pasture. Pack a lunch and bring some of your horse’s favorite treats and enjoy the environment your horse loves. You can bring a book and a blanket to lay down and have a picnic in the paddock. This is the perfect time to do a mini photoshoot with your horse in his natural habitat. Bring your phone or your camera with you and get some shots of your horse soaking up the sun. Quality time with your horse could be anything you think of as long as it’s low stress and fun for both of you.

Selfies with your horse
Enjoy a fun photoshoot with your horse

Ground Work

You can still work your horse without riding it. Lunging your horse is a great way to work them without riding them. Lunging can be as simple as walk, trot, and canter on a circle or as complex as doing small jumps and pole work. You can also teach your horse carrot stretches to help them stretch their muscles after a workout. Stretching your horse after their muscles have been warmed up can really help with preventing inflammation and soreness. Try your hand at liberty work. Liberty work is anything you do with your horse without restraints. Free lunging your horse is a great way to start into liberty work. Whatever you choose to do their are plenty of ways to still work your horse without riding them.

There are so many things you can do with your horse without riding them. Try some of these suggestions at home and you might find your new favorite thing to do with your horse.